
Newest NOSH Bargains!

 So what do natural toothpastes and hemp seeds have in common? Both can be found in our *NOSH section! Just two of our most recent arrivals to help you save more!

Tom's of Maine 4.7 oz. natural toothpastes are available in 3 formulas at just $3.99 ea. Choose fluoride or flouride-free as marked.

24 oz. raw & hulled hemp seed at only $11.99 is a nutrient packed superfood item with lots of healthy Omega content. Add a rich-nutty flavor to smoothies, yogurt, cereals or sprinkle on salads.

Check out the NOSH section for lots more specialty and healthy food items and also personal care products, i.e. shampoo, conditioners, skin care and essential oil products.

Look for the big green NOSH sign and explore for amazing values!

*NOSH = Natural-Organic-Specialty-Healthy

Kennewick Grocery Outlet
1325 W. 4th Ave. (Corner of 4th & Olympia)
(509) 586-6306
Open Daily 8:00am - 9:00pm

All products, items, descriptions, pricing, images and availability subject to change. ©2016 Kennewick Grocery Outlet