
September Is SEAWEED MONTH! Not Really, But We Have Several Flavors to Try!

Seaweed may never replace potato chips as an American snack food icon, but it can be pretty darn tasty. Especially in flavors like teriyaki, sesame, wasabi and hot/spicy with chili!

Right now we have a bunch of seaweed snack products that just kind of showed up like so many things do around here. The tide must have brought them in... Get it? Seaweed-tide? Okay, so that's silly since we're not even close to the coast.

Anyway, seaweed munching has been popular in Japan for a long time. And it's a snack food that's actually good for you. Seaweed contains thyroid friendly iodine, vitamin B-12, vitamin A, Omega 3 fatty acids, fiber and some other essential minerals. We even have a Certified Organic brand. Try gettin' that stuff from a potato chip-- especially those clones stacked in a can whose name rhymes with "shingle?".

Now ya know.

The fun part is that we have all these flavors to check out at way less cost than health food stores.

Seaweed Benefits - Everything you always wanted to know about seaweed but were afraid to ask.

Kennewick Grocery Outlet
1325 W. 4th Ave. (Corner of 4th & Olympia)
(509) 586-6306
Open Daily 7:30am - 10:00pm

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