A fun part of an outlet store is the cool and unusual stuff we get. And we're often just as surprised at what shows up as our customers!
For instance, we currently have a 2007 Sonoma County, Dan Aykroyd signature Chardonnay. Same Dan Aykroyd of SNL, Ghost Busters and Blues Brothers fame. Interesting conversation wine for your next party, a birthday gift or just as a collectible bottle. And the price is right!
Then there's the Suisso Hydrogen Water. We're still scratching out heads over this one. I mean, the "H" in H2O is hydrogen anyway, so what's up with this? Who wants to try it first? Maybe it'll run your car-- I dunno.
Hopefully this isn't the same stuff they had aboard on the famous Hindenburg hydrogen blimp distaster... Remember: "Oh! The humidity!!!"
Okay! It's supposed to be good for you... Just click the above link for more info.
Kennewick Grocery Outlet
1325 W. 4th Ave. (Corner of 4th & Olympia)
(509) 586-6306
Open Daily 7:30am - 10:00pm
All products, items, descriptions, pricing, images and availability subject to change. ©2014 Kennewick Grocery Outlet